All kinds of baccarat secret techniques!Try to make a lot of money if you learn one trick

by gcreate
All kinds of baccarat secret techniques!Try to make a lot of money if you learn one trick

Hello and welcome. Todays baccarat video is a follow on from BrunsonFXs Right Sided Triangle. I now have additional information in relation to Brunsons methods.


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Instruction on staking and bet selection

So, in this video, we will be looking at BrunsonFXs Top 10 Triggers. Khalil Gibran contacted me after my previous BrunsonFX video, and offered me information on Brunsons triggers. I gladly accepted and what we now have is a breakdown of the Top 10 triggers, bet selection and stakes.

You can see the document is split into two distinct sections; Top 10 Symbols, or Triggers, and Coveted Plays. In this video I will be focusing on the Top 10 only. Coveted Plays may come up in a future video. Each trigger is shown, with instruction on staking and bet selection. I have taken the combinations as documented and placed them in a spreadsheet.


Run all 10 methods concurrently

We will be looking at the performance and results of all these triggers over 100 shoes of PlayTech Live Baccarat.

The first test is to run all 10 methods concurrently. With over 3,700 hands we should get most, if not all of the triggers firing. We can see that when playing all ten triggers the performance, overall, is not particularly great. A lot of volatility and a huge struggle to get out of negative territory.


4 and 5 performed slightly above average.

To be honest though, I expected this. There is no way all ten triggers were going to be successful concurrently across a single data set. Also, there is no guarantee that all the triggers, as documented, are actually good triggers. So lets take a look at the triggers individually. Apart from trigger 7, the Thumbtacks, the rest didnt perform particularly well.

Looking closely at each trigger, it appears that 4 and 5 performed slightly above average.

It is clear though, that the rest of the triggers just dont perform as we would like. With triggers 4, 5 and 7, the best performing, well remove the others and just play these cumulatively. The results in this case is far better and something we could certainly base some future development around. As seen in the graphs the hit rates in general were not particularly inspiring, and this can be seen in our results here.


Showed us some depth of performance

Peak and low trigger balances were, quite frankly, all over the place. The only triggers that showed us some depth of performance were 3 and Out, Any Small Inversion and Thumbtacks.

Fundamentally, we all know that past results cant predict upcoming results. This is why many of the triggers didnt really perform. However, smaller triggers that combine one and two levels of results generally perform better.


Put out for your own strategies

Not because they predict the result, but because statistically results of ones and twos occur more often. This video was as much a chance for me to try out some of BrunsonFXs past advice, as it was to provide an archived video of the information.

Feel free to try out any of the triggers for yourself, but be aware that a lot more research and testing should be done before playing with real money. Its not all good, but there might be a few items you can pull out for your own strategies. I hope you found this video helpful.


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